
Results 71 issues of Matti

Does some function e.g. fastPointMetrics produce sum of vertical "pillars" of voxels to form a "kind of CHM"? I.e. it calculates how many filled voxels there are along z-axis for...

I think plot used to be faster, now very slow and laggy. I cannot really rotate and zoom it, because it's so laggy. I wonder what causes the problem. Something...

How can I "manually" plot points or other shapes to tlsPlot plots? Particularly also, how can I append new (custom) points to an existing tlsPlot?

tlsNormalize returns negative values, what does it really normalize? My 3D point clouds are such that the z varies from about z=70 to z=90 where the data lies. Should I...

Clarify what the example dbh_algo ( is in the paper ( How to realize the combinations in the paper? > Best overall performance was obtained by denoising method D1 (Hough...

Can you do a comparison to Nim and Nelua?

What are the assumptions about samples? The main.cpp example for example has samples in the range [-1,1]?

**General Information** - [ ] Bug - [x] Improvement - [ ] Feature - [ ] Other **Description** I am very interested in using asm-dom, but I find very little...

**General Information** - [ ] Bug - [ ] Improvement - [ ] Feature - [X] Other **Description** Why doesn't WASM make this project obsolete? Since it can compile C/C++...

**General Information** - [ ] Bug - [ ] Improvement - [ ] Feature - [X] Other **Description** What are the preferred ways to add interactivity to SPAs with asm-dom?...