
Results 75 comments of Matti

I'm not so experienced with Nim in order to understand how to implement the difference I suggested, but in Python this is done via: So I was just thinking...

I'd try the C++11 branch, but I don't know how to build it on Windows and VS2013. Is using Mac/Linux the only option? I also tried the builds here:

I got it installed on Ubuntu 20.04, but I had to use the choosenim installation (not the snap one, which is older version of nim) from: Then `nimble install...

Does this imply that one should always look for a "C API" in any given library? Even when there's mention of C++ as well.

From your example, I do not exactly understand though how it knows that those functions exist. There's ``` import futhark import terminal, strutils importc: absPath "/usr/lib/clang/12.0.1/include" absPath "/usr/include/liblas/capi/" "liblas.h" ```...

> Not entirely sure what you mean by where Futhark is run? `importc` is a macro defined in the Futhark library which does all the things I described above. That...

> That is the magic of Futhark, you don't have to care how it knows. Seems very promising indeed. This was one of the reasons for looking at nim as...

v0.2.0 gives the exact same error, when opening the .jucer.

Are you sure the paths are correct? The paths are (checked in Finder): Pd-Pulp-0.2.0/FX/PdPulpFX.jucer Pd-Pulp-0.2.0/libpd/z_libpd.h