Mauricio Soares

Results 9 comments of Mauricio Soares

Desculpe @vrcca, mas não tenho nenhum update... Eu acabei saindo de Berlin, e nem resolvi esse lance do diploma 😞

thanks @iamdustan yes, `getRawValue` would return in the previous example `111`. But I do need the mask, but I need only the ones that are to the left of my...

Just to let you know, I achieved this by doing some crazy hack, here's the snippet: ``` js var instance = new InputMask({pattern: mask, value}); value.split('').forEach(s => instance.input(s)); const {end}...

Btw, this retry is per file, so if we have 5 files, and we set `retry: 2`, then each file will retry to upload up to 2 times.

Hi @Serhey91 not really, looks like my branch was outdated, but everything else seemed to be good to go. Unfortunately I never got any response from the repo maintainers... :/

I've created a PR for adding a `retry` option to the plugin... The best scenario would be that rollbar wouldn't fail sporadically, but until then, this might help you...

Maybe manually update the windo top value, and trigger the onscroll event. This might help

Same here... Yosemite 10.10.3 FF 39.0 YSlow 😰 Unfortunately the last commit in this repository was like 1 year ago... I'm not quite sure this bug will be solved...