Andrés Mauricio Repetto Ferrero
Andrés Mauricio Repetto Ferrero
yes, that's right the problem is in the file, on fingerprint method, it applies np.log10 over an array with some 0s, that causes to return -np.Inf on those cases...
I think it is enough to change the filter shape, instead of `struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1)` to `struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 2)`, my times were comparable to the ones that are...
@worldveil is there any reason of using for `maximum_filter` function the kernel that is in the example of the [scipy docs]( when using the iterate_structure? And despite it does not...
@vincent-163 I've added the changes that I mentioned to you to my pr here: which is a pr that I've created to make dejavu available for python 3.6.6 and...
@JArsov as @morteza-git said its because of that and a bug that I've detected and fixed on this pr regarding hash collisions with the same offset. The pr is...