Also those structures are not publicly exposed so you cannot even pass them.
Issue is fixed in latest c2p-rs main branch. I will update this issue when we recreate a new c2patool release.
OCSP is about to be enabled so if you can find a solution for that it would be great. Also trust list support is also coming so if you have...
Thanks for being persistent. We are a small team an do not have access to all possible build targets and platforms.
I have not forgotten about this PR. We are working through a few PRs before this that have similar changes.
Can you bring this up to date with main. Thanks. Things are changing fast internally so need to make sure this is still accurate.
Looks OK to merge behind the flags. The only things I would double check is which functions are being exposed. There are some thing I don't think we want to...
I will mull this over since I am not sure we need it.
@lperichon MP3 is on the main branch. Support for XMP (i.e.) embedding of a remote manifest URL is not supported yet.
We have clients that cannot use async. Two APIs will likely remain for the foreseeable future.