Maulikkumar Prajapati
Maulikkumar Prajapati
Yes @k-lpmg , I am also getting same crash don't sure when? Please provide us the solution. Because I have many users for my current Application. PLEASE.
I am also getting same issue some times.
I have same problem so what we have to do for that? Please guide us.
Please help with this solution @ashleymills ASAP.
Please let me help to bind the query for below example.
"INSERT INTO \(TABLE_TROUBLE_CODES) (\(TROUBLE_CODE),\(CODE_TITLE),\(SERVICE_PROVIDER_TYPE),\(TROUBLE_ID),\(CODE_TYPE),\(PLANT_CLASS_CODE)) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?), \(obj.troubleCode!),\(obj.codeTitle!), \(obj.serviceProviderType!), \(obj.troubleId!),\(obj.codeType!),\(obj.plantClassCode!)"
Not perfectly work @AmulJadhav
i have got same issue pls do update asap