Matyas Forian-Szabo

Results 15 comments of Matyas Forian-Szabo

Any update on this? Is it still not possible?

For me deleting the `cache` option from webpack config caused a very significant speedup (12 sec -> 0.8sec)

Since this issue did not receive any activity since a month I'll close it.

Thanks for the tip, sounds like a good fix for my broken asset. I've been trying to fix it properly: When constructing the texture atlas measure all instances of a...

@kpatelPro I've implemented real scaling, its in my fork: Now the exporter will export each asset at the biggest size used, thus nothing will be pixelated. Note that I've...

hi! What are the plans of this feature? Can we expect that it will be implemented? Or could we write a PR for this feature? Thanks!

We're facing a similar issue since 13.1.1 (13.1.0 works fine) 13.1.1 results in an error in an unrelated depencency: ``` require() of ES Module /Users//node_modules/is-unicode-supported/index.js from /Users//packages/cz-lerna-changelog/node_modules/ora/index.js not supported. Instead...

hi! Sorry for the late reply. I've tried to reproduce this issue but could not do so. I've created a nextJS app, added InstUI as a dependency and added some...

hi! Thanks for the report, we will look into this. We know about this and similar issues, the proper solution would be to use an interface not a specific component...