Matej Vidakovic
Matej Vidakovic
Hi, if you enable high res success frame capture you'll get image at maximum supported camera resolution. Your problem might be that you are enabling it but not actually using...
Hi, we don't support frame around the id card. If you just need cropped document image, you can try increasing camera preview resolution to `VIDEO_RESOLUTION_2160p` or `VIDEO_RESOLUTION_MAX_AVAILABLE`, configured via `setCameraSettings`...
Hi, you can update preview resolution like this: ``` CameraSettings cameraSettings = new CameraSettings.Builder() .setVideoResolutionPreset(VideoResolutionPreset.VIDEO_RESOLUTION_2160p) .build(); uiSettings.setCameraSettings(cameraSettings); ``` As for the incorrect cropping, we're constantly working on improvements. It would...
Hi, to show a scanning box, use `DocumentVerificationOverlaySettings` instead of `BlinkIdOverlaySettings`.
Hi, you're correct, SDKs share some of the classes and that is why you can't simply include both dependencies. However, we have a solution that includes some features from BlinkInput...
Hi, are you referring to the problem with Pakistan ID you mentioned [here]( BlinkID [v5.4]( fully supports Pakistan ID while the version that is used in BlinkID-UI (v4.11) doesn't so...
Hi Phani, you only have issues after changing height to 250dp and not with default UI? What are you trying to achieve by changing the height?
Hi, you could try leaving RecognizerRunnerView the same size and placing your extra views over it.
Hi, what you did should work for hooks, check that these dimensions are in default dimens file, maybe they ended up in landscape or in version specific dimens? You can...
Hi, 1. which country and document type is set when it crashes? 2. are you able to reproduce this issue using our sample app?