blinkid-ui-android copied to clipboard
Can we customize the scanning frame
I would like to customize the scanning frame as attached image. Can you please let me know how can we achieve this. I tried adjusting the below hook lengths in dimens.xml but no luck.
<dimen name="mb_hook_length_vertical">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="mb_hook_length_horizontal">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="mb_hook_stroke_width">5dp</dimen>
Can we give a background image to the scanning area?
Please help.
what you did should work for hooks, check that these dimensions are in default dimens file, maybe they ended up in landscape or in version specific dimens?
You can also change hook color through theme attribute.
Here's an updated sample app with custom hooks:
Unfortunately, we don't have a way to set background image for the scanning area.