
Results 77 issues of Mattt

Expanding on what's currently in the README, we should provide a step-by-step tutorial to help onboard new users.


The [Service Worker API]( allows webpages to download, install, and activate resources that can later be used by the browser. This allows users to view webpages when they're not connected...


> Here be dragons 🐲 In an effort to get everything out the door, I kind of took a "whatever works" approach to development. To that end, [HyperTextLiteral]( was great...


In the original README, there was a [Motivation section]( that included a list of the project's dependencies, like [SwiftSemantics]( We should bring back and revise this for the next release.


As mentioned in #39, the README used to have a ["Motivation" section]( that discussed how `swift-doc` compared to Jazzy. I removed that for the first beta, because a lot of...


For example, a reference to `Codable` in a code block should link to [Apple's documentation](


As a general rule, you shouldn't run untrusted code. However, it would be helpful to either document or provide built-in functionality to run everything through `sandbox-exec(1)` on macOS. For example,...


Currently, `swift doctest` looks for any fenced code blocks starting with ```swift doctest (and soon with tildes, #23). By taking an opt-in approach, we can ensure that code expectations are...


Currently, ``` is hard-coded into a regular expression pattern as the only delimiters for fenced code blocks. However, [according to the CommonMark Spec]( > ### 4.5 Fenced code blocks >...


Although [Mac Catalyst]( helps us get most of the way there, I suspect that there are some code examples that compile and run correctly on iOS, but would fail when...

help wanted