Matt Stauffer
Matt Stauffer
See note on the open PR. I absolutely never got notified on this. SO SORRY. Let me know where you all landed on this and I'll gladly merge the appropriate...
Clever! I have been performing all kinds of ridiculous math on resize, and I'm just never satisfied. I never thought about just destroying and then bringing it back on resize...
Also, @interactivejunky, I wrote the destroy() method for roundabout (with @bradgreens' help!) precisely for that reason: The site I'm working on shows a slideshow until you get to a certain...
Hey Matt, That's great! Could you do a pull request and I'll bring it into this fork? Thanks, -matt On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Matt Hall [email protected]...
+1 for this request.
I tried my hand at it. Would you do me a favor and take a look if you have a minute? There's one @todo and a few places where I...
@pjnovas, nope.. I opened a pull request but it hasn't been accepted yet. Here's the updated URL for my fork. I haven't merged downstream from Roundabout recently, so if...
There's a lot you have to manage, but for starters, @bradgreens and I worked on a pull request (see the conversation here: ) to allow you to destroy roundabout.....
Hi Dimitar, I can't give you a complete step-by-step, but here are fuller instructions: 1) Make your roundabout parent container width percentage-based, so that prior to adding Roundabout the container...
Hey guys, sorry, but I just don't have the free time to be able to proofread/troubleshoot your work. Sorry! Good luck!