Matt Slezak
Matt Slezak
Actually just recompile the whole project in Visual Studio 2017 (you have to `git reset --hard 10ba0b6e81ed53d4c97de67fac60ec3f853cfca7` to get the proper 2017 project). If you're using VS 2019 just recompile...
``` """distutils._msvccompiler Contains MSVCCompiler, an implementation of the abstract CCompiler class for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. The module is compatible with VS 2015 and later. You can find legacy support...
Clang-cl has test suites with NumPy and SciPy and those at least pass all tests. I can't say for sure that EVERY library will work 100%, just that having the...
For the people using Anaconda Python, the default installation for NumPy / SciPy / etc. is MKL backed BLAS/LAPACK. To use it with Pythran you need to setup a virtual...
Change whatever you feel is appropriate. I did notice on a very large project with OpenBLAS I had to change some settings around to get OpenMP working like this: library_dirs='C:\Program...
I found that some random modules in my project were actually loading the `libiomp5md.lib`, causing my interpreter to crash when I tried to link `libomp.lib` in my Pythran modules. Note...
If you install LLVM for amd64 it installs both clang-cl.exe and lld-link.exe. Also if you use Microsoft Build Tools to install Clang it comes with both. BUT the way the...
It's quite ugly for MSVC but if you use any Visual Studio Tools you're under their license agreement, theoretically. The Build Tools say they are a component of Visual Studio...