Matthias Treitler

Results 21 issues of Matthias Treitler

Hi, I have an `` definition and when I call `pause()` on this entity Aframe throws an error, because the `material` component is suddenly not in the components array any...

Currently you have registered your own Material with its Vertex and Fragment shader code which is mostly copied from ThreeJs' source code. Because you make only small changes to the...

Hi, I ran into an issue which I currently do not know how to solve properly. I want that an entity always looks at the camera when using the orbit-controls....

For instance this code would fail in an exception `bind__menu-action="menuVisible: app.menuVisible;"` because there is a _;_ as the last character. However in general A-Frame properties allow a _;_ at the...

When I bind a state object to a component the A-Frame core function _updateProperties_ (_src/core/components.js_) is called. In this function there is the following code: ` skipTypeChecking = attrValue !==...

Hi, currently I am trying to use the _template_ component with the _state_ component to dynamically update the rendered template when a _data-_ attribute changes. The data changes however the...

You have published a really neat library where the results look very promising. However I have just a remark, that the seams between the tiles are quite strong. There should...


see here for example http://localhost:8080/?url=styles/normals-tiles.yaml#15.22083/46.8873/10.0326

Hi Joseph, I get the following compilation error below. Using g++ version 4.9. Tried to activate c++11 features however then the other addons won't compile. Can you give some instructions...

Hi, I would like to integrate some multi-line text descriptions between the GUI elements. It's not possible with the _text_ component. I think it would be nice to have a...
