Matthew Podolak

Results 11 comments of Matthew Podolak

I'm also facing an issue with the dynamic svg import now that the webpack config has changed

@DaftPaul I ended up ejecting and editing the webpack config as suggested here

Hi @apoorva1225 were you running this query yesterday? There was a Pushshift outage that may have impacted your results. Also, the pushshift metadata is delayed as it takes around 24hrs...

Hi @peterjschroeder currently there is no way to do this in pmaw. Adding this functionality would require a rework of how comments are enriched from PRAW so this may not...

This could be expanded by increasing the generality of the caching mechanism to identify the type of file used in the cache and load accordingly. Saving responses to cache should...

@aryamansharma01 I haven't seen this error before, I'll take a look. > Is there any way to ensure that all data is scraped in one go? Usually the query should...

@ReichYang when i was looking into this before it appeared to be a connection issue between the client and server. It would help to see any debug logs from when...

hey, this is the right place to ask! currently there is no way to choose what values are enriched by PRAW and what ones are kept from Pushshift. I'll keep...

A potential cause could be how the database is queried during time slicing. The oldest item `utc_timestamp` is used as a `before` field when generating subsequent timeslices. Pushshift queries the...

hey @rosendyakov can you provide the following info, and the minimum amount of code needed to re-create the issue? This will help me as I look into this further: python...