Matt Onimus

Results 4 comments of Matt Onimus

Not sure if this is helpful but the `shinyWidgets::pickerInput` still works as expected. ``` library(shiny) # library(shinyWidgets) # library(DT) shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( actionButton("test", "test"), DT::dataTableOutput("table") ), server = function(input,...

Hi, really like this package! The set_tabular_environment works to include 'longtable' in the Latex but unfortunately the ```\begin{longtable}``` is below the caption now thus the caption is not being generated....

You should be able to pass kms with the `opts` argument. ``` s3write_using(df, FUN = readr::write_csv, bucket = bucket, object = object, opts = list(headers = c("x-amz-server-side-encryption" = "aws:kms")) ```

I eventually just wrote the thing into a try catch retry loop ``` getAWSData