Matt Lubner

Results 11 comments of Matt Lubner

To share some history, binding Ctrl+Arrow to word movement in terminal apps is has been standard on Linux for quite some time, and (IIRC) was actually also the default movement...

I'm also seeing this. It appears to be an issue with Yarn 2, regardless of the nodeLinker setting (ie. not just for `pnp`, but also for `node-modules`).

@Hengjie Can you elaborate? I'm not sure how a symbolic link would help, as it would just resolve to a non-accessible directory. Directory hard-links are an abomination reserved for use...

Btw, if anyone comes across this and needs am immediate work-around, you can install and use `nvm`, globally link with that (remember to wipe out your `node_modules` directory), then manually...

Well, it's not a _good_ option, considering the use case (active development). I wouldn't want to have to commit + push code just to test it, ya know? That's the...

> Adding Less support would make optimizations like significantly more difficult as it would be yet another constraint to account for. @timneutkens I can understand the reasoning behind not...

@ashifa454 I don't believe there's a direct equivalent for `match` on the server. We'll have to use a `` and pass in `context` and `location`, then after calling `renderToString()` we...

Can we list "decrease start-up time while in development mode" as an official objective? The last point ("Have a simpler workflow so that you can start your project(s) with much...

Agreed, this is a common pattern these days and we'll definitely be moving towards it as we make our way through the v3 milestones. Do be aware though, using persistent...

Thanks @mbrodala. However, I thought some email clients either ignore the !important flag or will outright ignore any style definitions which include it?