Matti Rantakömi
Matti Rantakömi
Just realized that it couldn't work the way I described as node ip address is a node specific property. Better solution would be `IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD` which checks public ip address from...
I opened new Calico feature request:
@soider It does not help because there is no autodetection method available which could lookup the real public ip address from external source (eg. `curl -s`). Autodetection methods `first-found/can-reach/interface`...
I will try if using `--kubelet-extra-args` to set node ip works for me. I don't see that using external service to check public ip is more riskful than `can-reach` method...
> E.g. something like > > ``` > sudo k0s worker --kubelet-extra-args="--node-ip=`curl -s `" > ``` Using `--node-ip` in k0s install command line ```k0s install controller --enable-worker --kubelet-extra-args="--node-ip=`curl -s...
Dirty workaround to get Calico node to pick correct public ip address by assigning it to `dummy0` interface on virtual machine: To be used with k0s cluster configuration: ```...
Just tried using `` but it does not work because Calico node still detects node ip by reading it from node interfaces: ```ipAutodetectionMethod: "interface=dummy.*,eth.*,enp.*,ens.*"``` It is also possible to specify...
I don't think that the issue is _completed_ as it still isn't possible to set calico node ip address manually or detect public ip with external lookup.
With debug log enabled I can see that there is some bug with altitude positions: ``` 2023-12-05 11:57:18,964 :: DEBUG :: add altitude for -3427 positions point 2023-12-05 11:57:19,058 ::...