Mattijs Hoitink

Results 6 comments of Mattijs Hoitink

Thank you for taking the time to try and figure this out. I'm not quite sure myself what the best solution is here. I did a quick test with a...

Thanks for the detailed explanation. The thing I don't like about the current solution is that it relies on the `@` character in the string. I'd rather have a single...

Could you be more specific about what is not working when using `.set("password-file", pwdfile)`?

Hi, I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand what you are trying to accomplish and I'm not able to reproduce it with the code you linked. `node-terminal` is just...

The (or a) VT100 spec says \033[xB, where x is is 0 should move down 0 lines. If this is not the case this is in the hands of the...

How about attaching a formatter to a Logger stream? Or the (sub)Logger in general. ``` javascript var log = new Logger({ name: "amon", streams: [ { level: "info", stream: process.stdout,...