
Results 12 comments of Matthias

I mean the plugin has to add elements somehow to get the ripples to show, right? Or do you see the span elements outside of their parent elements with which...

No that's totally normal, it should do that. You can't target :before and :after with js , that's why it has to add these elements. Maybe you could change the...

I hope this helped, please tell me if you have any more questions. :)

Hi :) thanks, I just tried the demo page on iOS 7.1.2 on a friends' phone and it worked fine, can you give me a test page to reproduce the...

Not really. This is what passive event listeners do: Sadly, jquery doesn't support them natively. You could work around this, though. The lib actually currently uses one touchstart listener...

Hi and thanks for the issue! :) Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's just the way Safari works: any movement on the page stops on navigation. I...

I'll look into it, perhaps this can be throttled or only bound when necessary.

Hello, thanks for your pull request. What is the purpose of rara?

Yeah man: - to change default options, change the code at - to pack a chrome extension, see

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