Matthias Prinke

Results 22 issues of Matthias Prinke

Example sketch showing how to periodically poll a sensor and send the data to The Things Network. Based on simple_sensor_bme280.ino with the following modifications: - reading the sensor data is...

``` // return the country code constexpr uint16_t kCountryCode(char c1, char c2) { return (c1 < 'A' || c1 > 'Z' || c2 < 'A' || c2 > 'Z') ?...

If debug output is implemented with a callback (`myEventLog.logEvent()`), its contents, formatting and debug port should entirely be defined there. Specifically, I am using the logging macros from in...

Added option for setting RTC from LoRaWAN network time

Hi, My sketch is based on the example [simple_sensor_bme280.ino]( I am using a modified version of `doUplink(void)` which works just fine. Then I have added a receive callback function named...

Hi, thanks for this great tool! Would it be possible to be able to add an alias to parts of the JSON string? For example, for debugging LoRaWAN devices via...

Hi Csongor, if there was a Modbus communication error, e.g. `error = Response timed out` and communication is resumed normally, the MQTT topic "error" is not updated. I think in...

Good morning I am looking for the wiring to use BresserWeatherSensorReceiver it with an ESP32 and a CC1101. Here are the pins of my CC1101 1 GND 2 3.3V 3...


The sensor include / exclude list can now be configured at run time with `setSensorsInc()` / `setSensorsExc()`. The configuration can be read back via `getSensorsInc()` / `getSensorsExc()`. Both should be...


Currently only PM 2.5 / PM 10 mass concentration values are provided, but the message payload seems to contain more, currently unknown data. The integrated sensor is a [Sensirion SPS30](

help wanted