I was having the stdlib.h No such file error as well. For me, commenting the unix:INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/ from the file fixed the problem for me. Re-run qmake after...
I got a similar error in the most recent version, but it also shows "Wrong homopolymer". [2019-08-18 14:28:32] INFO: Starting Flye 2.5-g315122d [2019-08-18 14:28:32] INFO: Resuming previous run [2019-08-18 14:28:32]...
I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS on a Power9 box. I am not able to install from bioconda because there is no ppc64le release available. I was able to compile it...
No Windows machine has touched any of these files. I think the \r\n is coming from PasteBin. I checked the file on my computer and it only has \n. I...
I haven't had a chance to run on any other datasets yet, but I ran Flye on an intel machine using the same datasets and parameters. The intel machine never...
> [For ppc64le platform] The issue can be solved by adding "-fsigned-char" compiler option to the Makefile. For lib/minimap2, please add CPPFLAGS: -DHAVE_KALLOC -DNO_WARN_X86_INTRINSICS -D__SSE2__. Thanks Ruzhu! I was able...
I've forked the repository and made changes specific to compiling for ppcle64. The repository is located at I'm not very good at working with Make, but it should be...