Matthew Hannay
Matthew Hannay
For Jessiii we had to remove a points from the pointcloud because they were reflections from the robot itself. Now we need to reconfigure it for Swervi.
AC: The igvc_gazebo/ground_truth node should be split into a header and cpp file, with the cpp file containing member function implementations as well as the main function, and retain functionality...
AC: The igvc_gazebo/control node should be split into a header and cpp file, with the cpp file containing member function implementations as well as the main function, and retain functionality...
AC: The igvc_gazebo/magnetometer node should be split into a header and cpp file, with the cpp file containing member function implementations as well as the main function, and retain functionality...
1. Follow the in to recreate the results by Suha 2. Make issues for things that are broken / not working. Ask Suha / the #igvc-software channel about...
Right now we don't have documentation for point-cloud filters, and we should. AC: Point-cloud related files have comments.
Right now when the `line_layer` plugin is enabled in `global_costmap_params.yaml`, there is a large delay between sending a waypoint and the robot reacting. The rate at which the robot replans...