Matthew Piziak

Results 47 comments of Matthew Piziak

Can reproduce. `(alert "This is an alert" :severity 'high)` with no customizations does not show any text in the minibuffer as expected. - Arch Linux - GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build...

I see that this package already uses `regexp-opt`, that's good. I've created a kludge where I take only the first 2000 user emoji in `emojify-set-emoji-data`.

One can't run `cpi.update()` when using this library with Nix, because the library gets puts into a readonly location for the reproducibility guarantees of that framework. Allowing the user to...

I think having the `:` operators on their own lines is the biggest issue: ``` ( forall b . ( Eff ( SCHED.Grandpate : StateObfuscationate : Exc UnrecoverableException : r...

I was in that Discourse thread. For what it's worth equality and wildcards would each be sufficient for my usecase. Equality would be more explicit of course, while wildcards would...

I'm seeing something similar with CI statuses. I have `upstream` and `fork`. CI is connected to `upstream`. Yet, bewilderingly, when I set `magithub.contextRemote` to `upstream` I get `Error ref not...

This form... ```emacs-lisp (length (assoc 'statuses (ghubp-get-repos-owner-repo-commits-ref-status (magithub-repo) (magithub-ci-status--get-default-ref)))) ``` ...evaluates to `31`.

Sorry, I can't figure out how to install this library. ``` Error (use-package): tui/:catch: Cannot open load file: Not a directory, components/tui-button.el ``` This happens if I follow your installation...

Thanks, that installation config worked. The expander seems to work but Tic-Tac-Toe is wonky. ![screenshot](

Thanks for the status update! Let me know if there's any way I can help. This is something I would love to use downstream. :)