Matthew Herman
Matthew Herman
Added the ability to replace stubs of an existing imposter #76
"Delete save proxy responses from an imposter" added in #82, updated table
Once these methods are removed, the `Imposters` collection on `MountebankClient` will also be removed.
I'm hoping to review this sometime this week. Apologies for the long turnaround.
This change has been published in v5.0.0-rc8.
I'm hoping to review this sometime this week. Apologies for the long turnaround.
These changes have been published in v5.0.0-rc8.
Thanks for the feedback, I definitely agree that the documentation could be improved. I will try to find some time to add to it and perhaps re-organize it. Do you...
Those are all really good examples of things to improve on. Thank you. Apologies for misunderstanding what you were trying to achieve with your imposter. I think the predicate you...