
Results 5 issues of Matthias

I get strange results when using `Uuid::import` on a uuid returned from an SQL Server `uniqueidentifier` filled by the SQL default `newsequentialid()` like this: ``` >>> $uid = Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::import(App\Deployment::first()->id) =>...

I serve Grafana via a virtual sub directory (https://host/grafana instead of https://host:3000). Another application (icingaweb2) is served in the root directory (https://host). When editing the this panel in Grafana and...

## Describe the bug Seemingly after updating to the latest Icinga 2 version this dependency started behaving in unexpected ways. This dependency should suppress all checks and notifications when the...

needs feedback

gulpfile.js: ``` var elixir = require('laravel-elixir'); require('laravel-elixir-vueify'); elixir(function(mix) { mix.browserify('vue.js'); }); ``` vue.js: ``` var Vue = require('vue'); import CriticalState from './components/CriticalState.vue'; new Vue({ el: '#dashboard', components: { CriticalState },...

To view the most relevant log without having to search through the dropdown field first it would be helpful to preselect a log file for individual hosts. For example I...