Matt Gathu
Matt Gathu
> Or that the whole pool gets stopped forever? **This is my expected behaviour** My use case, _for example_, is an application that might get quit signals for the OS...
Why not call this feature `ok_or_err` - it makes much more sense IMO and sticks closely to the existing `Option` methods. So ```rust match maybe { Some(v) => Ok(v), None...
I can try implementing a simple archiver app based on the [decompress a tarball & compress directory into tarball]( cookbooks. This will use the `flate2` and `tar` crates.
I've been writing a simple cli tool using quicli for zip and tar files packing and unpacking: My thoughts so far: * Supporting the use `?` in `main!` is heaven...
You should also consider **supporting coloured output**, which is a thing with CLI apps. Perhaps using something like:
Hello @killercup @epage thank you for building such an amazing crate!! It has been really helpful. I have been using it to test a rust cli app I'm writing using...
About future ideas, I have been wondering how feasible it is to test for colored output? If my CLI binary prints out colored text, can I test this? What are...
Hi @JustANull thanks a lot for this PR, that's a lot of work!! I like what you've done but I can't merge it since the PR has a lot going...
Also I'm curious why are some of the previous tests were deleted. Is there a reason for this?
There's an [open issue]( for generator comprehensions support. May be you can use that for the generator support work.