This may be problematic with Spatial's staging. Maybe you can use blackboxes as containers for kernel switching since those won't get dropped. Maybe there can be a generic BlackBoxUse node...
Should memory muxing be part of this also? `sram load {if (x) dram1 else dram2}`
Also something like `sram2D(x, 0::y) load dram2D(m, 0::y)` will crash right now and is probably related to this.
Yea no particular reason I chose ISE, I just mean to support some way that a Xilinx person can simulate
Implemented on issue175_protobuf branch but these two things (protobuf compilation vs regular firrtl compilation) should stay isolated until we are confident the chisel3 3.2 snapshots are stable or there is...
I want to start by catching an inner UnrolledReduce followed by a UnitPipe that reads the result and writes it to a banked memory. I think we need to either...
I don't think this is the same root cause but I think its worth addressing and is kind of the same behavior. In SW_alg, we have `if ((c == length...
Hi. There was a bit of refactoring that has been ongoing for the past few weeks, but here is what you should do assuming you are on the latest version...
Thanks for the help!
@kelayamatoz Just added a few more test cases The metadata set on the registers saying they are Folds accumulations is because of the spatial flow rule, which happens when the...