Results 13 comments of matteo

The blotchy look disappears if I increase the timesteps at inference time to a high value, like 250

with the -c option you can choose a different configuration file. Just create two files and load them. Run [...]/Megafuse -h to see the syntax and the list of parameters.

Storing the password securely is always an issue. I suggest you to comment out or completely remove the password line from the config file. That way megafuse will always ask...

the offending line requires c++11 to be compiled. first try changing "-std=c++0x" into "-std=c++11"; If it doesn't work, replace the two lines with: for(std::set::iterator it = listeners[e].begin(); it !=listeners[e].end();++it) (*it)->notifyEvent(er);

sorry, github deleted part of the line.

Sometimes the MEGA server is offline. If you still cannot connect after 1 hour, write another post here. Can you connect from your ordinary PC with the same credentials?

I have a free account too. What i mean is: try megafuse on a ubuntu or debian computer or laptop, compiled with a normal gcc (not cross compiled). If it...

thanks for reporting. yes, it will be implemented. the current implementation of MegaFuse uses sequential tasks because it was easier for me to develop and debug it this way. I'm...

I don't know aur well but you can compile it directly from the source code. If it cannot find a APPKEY, it defaults to MEGASDK, which is the default key....

please remove all lines EXCEPT the APPKEY one and see if it works. the only requirement is that megafuse should be launched from the same directory where the conf file...