
Results 7 issues of matteocng

Upgrade `flow-bin` to the latest version, set it in `.flowconfig` and fix the errors (there are hundreds of them).

tech debt

Evaluate whether building this module with [`rollup`]( has any advantages to end users, compared to the current build process that relies only on `Babel`. - [ ] Setup a quick...

needs research

`create-react-app 2.0`, currently in alpha, supports CSS modules out of the box without ejecting, they just have to end with `.module.css`. Since we are currently requiring `.css` files (SEE: `./src/styles`),...


Add [`styled-components`]( version of `FlagIcon`. It should be built using `StyledFlagIconFactory` and support theming (e.g _custom flags_). ```js // ES2015 version. import StyledFlagIconFactory from 'react-flag-icon-css/module/styled' // Legacy CommonJS version. import...


Add [storybook 3]( - useful as a built-in development environment. - can be used to _demo_ the component if the static html output is published to github pages or similar.


It would be nice to have Carthage support

In `live-archive/styles/live-archive.less`: Starting from Atom v1.13.0, the contents of `atom-text-editor` elements are no longer encapsulated within a shadow DOM boundary. This means you should stop using `:host` and `::shadow` pseudo-selectors,...