I was experiencing this issue, and I solved with a json configuration to run my apps (I suggest to use this only in development mode) ``` { "apps": [ {...
Hi guys, the @sylwit and @stephencoe solution doesn't work for me. When I run npm script I got an error on "swagger_swagger_filename not recognized as internal or external command". I've...
@mcollina No, I'm actually able to send messages. I can see the messages published in the cloud platform. @RangerMauve Is possible to enable full log on mqtt?
I can not check logs because I do not have control. I can only see published data that reach the broker in the cloud, and actually, they arrive. I have...
@RangerMauve I can see that second client disconnect from listeners on 'offline','disconnected','reconnecting' that logs simple messages. I cannot check what goes wrong. I'm asking at Cloud Platform Owner to give...
FYI I've fixed the issue with these configs: ```js "options": { "port": 18883, "host": "tcp://***.***.*.*", "username": "admin", "password": "*****", "clientId" : "mqttjs_gw", "protocolId": "MQIsdp", "protocolVersion": 3 }, "thingOptions": { "port":...
i've had the same problem and fixed it forcing the clear of autocomplete model: the 'autocomplete' parameter is the input where autocomplete is located; ```javascript var input = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('input[name=autocomplete_location]')); clearAutoCompleteModel(getAutoCompleteObj(input[0]));...