Matt Beghin
Matt Beghin
In MadMapper, when creating / deleting the syphon client multiple times per second for 5 minutes while server is pushing frames at 60 FPS, I generally get a crash because...
I found this very simple polygon which generates a null pointer access violation. Any idea why ? std::vector polyline = { new p2t::Point(-0.611580879999999993401615938637,0.0104235565411950892311665484158), new p2t::Point(-0.611580879999999993401615938637,0.1483950316905975341796875), new p2t::Point(-0.578899596898762469621146919962,0.227294628589359948289683188705), new p2t::Point(-0.5,0.259975911690597527581303438637), new...
Init keyframe end time with its start time, will be updated when parsing next key frame if any (solves issue interpolating to last keyframe) - Solves issue 548
Sorry if I'm missing something stupid. I have a very simple file which rlottie is unable to play. It's a single shape layer with an ellipse, and with just two...
Osc Query is a protocol to solves main lacks of OSC: With OSC Query, a client app like Open Stage Control can request an OSC "server" its addresses, their...