Hi @chrisys - Just wondering how you're getting on with this. I'd be interested in a kit list and instructions for putting one together if you've got it working. Is...
I think it's quite normal if the program has already been running and you've stopped it and then you're running it again. As far as I recall, unless it doesn't...
I've got one coming next week as well. What device would it be under in Balena Cloud?
Excellent - might give that a try while I'm waiting for the device type to appear on BalenaCloud (physical device arrived today).
Exellent - if you can!
Perfect - thank you. I'll give it a go later tonight on the Zero2 and let you know how I get on.
Thanks, @LeePorte - For some reason I couldn't get the service file to work, so instead I edited (I also had to put VERSION in the home directory (I...
@LeePorte - Odd, I've noticed that this seems to stop running after a while (after 30 mins this morning). I checked using: `ps-ef |grep main` and I didn't see the...
I seem to remember doing something similar (with nano, though, not vi). what did you put in `train-sign.service`? I copied your system file (but used my settings) - and it...
Yep, I set python3 to run as default and in the script anyway, I call python3 .... I also found that running it like this will also restart the process...