Results 17 comments of Matt

BTW, PR #51 fixed a segmentation fault, but now getTitle() does not return the window title anymore, but instead the Application name.

I'm working on it - CI is currently broken so that's a blocker but I'm gonna spend some time to fix it this weekend

Googling it, it seems like several repo have these errors with node.js 14 - on which version of Node and of Caporal do you use ?

Thanks for the PR @beci ! Will take a look at it early next week.

@SimenB @atifsyedali @stefanbuck FWIW, I've been using another solution in The way it works is: - run `jest` with `--testLocationInResults --json --outputFile=jest.results.json` - then parsing `jest.results.json` to get failed...

I can confirm it's working

Hey - mostly dead as you can see :( The good news is I can work on it again more easily since I just lost my job, but the best...

@gilles-crealp @cah4a @donmccurdy I've spent the night re-looking at it. Not really sure it needs a V3 now. I've a PR here that fixes _a lot_ but I'd be happy...