Matt A

Results 26 comments of Matt A

More info about how common the JSON1 extension is: According to Django, [most linux distros enable it by default]( It's [enabled by Homebrew]( for Mac. Can't find any info re:...

This is going to be kind of complicated. The default [Github strategy]( uses releases which is what we want. However Laravel Zero overrides it to [assume the phar is stored...

Hello, I installed this package with PackageControl and ran into the same issue. If I execute the above commands from the console I don't see any results at all. ```...

Here's the output from my machine. Would it be helpful if I removed the user preference that fixes the issue before logging? debug logging ``` startup, version: 3207 linux x64...

@troccoli can you check if you have the `newrelic` extension enabled? It looks like everyone else in this thread was having this issue because of the `newrelic` extension, so I'm...

I was taking a look at #304 and it looks like the path replacement is going to be optional? If so awesome, I was going to request that. In my...

You can do this by overriding the `path.public` instance in the container. You will probably need to register it in `bootstrap/app.php` or a bootstrapper that's called by the kernel (check...

I think this would be really helpful. I see tons of bugs caused by developers not realizing that their using two different instances of the same model and accidentally using...

Awesome, thanks so much! This is a huge help; I wrote my own serializers using identical serialization so this will just drop right in!

Hi Danack, Sorry for the late response! I wrote a whole response the day you posted this but I guess I forgot to save it and closed the tab. I...