Mateusz Szpakowski
Mateusz Szpakowski
Currently, info about voltage is not available via amdcovc. I don't know how to get voltages when AMDGPU(-PRO) drivers is working.
In your case, OpenCL includes are missing. Please, install OpenCL headers (from opencl icd or other package). If you have AMDGPU-PRO drivers, please add extra library directory ("-L/opt/amdgpu-pro/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") to LIBDIR...
mesa-opencl-icd is obsolete. you can get OpenCL headers from site. maybe exist package named as 'opencl-headers' or with similar name in ubuntu repository.
Known problems. First problem with memory clocking, this is a problem with same AMDGPU(-PRO) drivers (bug in same drivers, I don't know what is bug). Second problem with lower core...
I confirmed this strange behaviour on my OpenSUSE and AMDGPU-PRO 17.10 on my RX 480. Likely, this is a bug in AMDGPU-PRO drivers. While setting memclk/memod parameter read some files...
After that experiment and after running miner, I observed much lower temperature of RX 480 and much lower performance. This is much stranger than previous issue. Can you confirm that...
Likely, you do not have libpci-dev or similar package in your system. Amdcovc requires this dev package to check pci devices.
The clgpustress has been written by using older OpenCL C++ binding for OpenCL 1.2. Please use older cl.hpp header.
Are you connecting with native boinc client (inside device)? Native client have addres, and shouldn't be disconected when WiFi will be disabled. PS: Check your WIFI configuration, may be...
Thank you. If boinc client is working after disconnecting (you can simply reconnect without restarting), this mean that is problem with nativeboinc (RPC communication with client) and in this case...