
Results 5 issues of Neo

Hi there! I try to `xero.contactgruops.put()`, but as I understood, It's don't add GroupID to URL, so contacts can't be added to group. I think, we can add param to...

### Hi there! I want to pass values (basically it's credentials) for InfluxDB in Grafana HelmRelease additional datasource. But looks like data from `values` overrides data of `valuesFrom`. So how...

Hi! Do anyone have success with setting up Digital Ocean backups? There is my cluster config: ``` backupSchedule: "0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *" backupSecretName: digitalocean-backup backupURL: s3://test-k8s-mysql-backups storageSize: 10G ```...

*Description*: I've came from Emissary world - and there was awesome [`scope.singleNamespace`]( option which limits access to resources located **only inside controller deployment namespace**. I really want to have same...


*Description*: If my setup will have only one gateway, is it better to create separate `envoy` namepsace for it and store TLS secrets here or I can store this Gateway...
