Mathieu Laurendeau
Mathieu Laurendeau
Have gimx save last successfully used baudrate in a file. Load this baudrate on start. Start baudrate sensing with this value.
Reported here:
Dump the output report to the standard output, or send its content to an IP:port. This would allow external programs to use rumble or force feedback data.
~~The_ LUA script should be provided with the following data:~~ - ~~the complete device list~~ - ~~the accumulated device events for previously active controls~~ - ~~the new device events~~ -...
Add a configurable duration for each button mapping. It would make possible to bind one key for short presses and another key for normal presses (or a profile for short...
* provide auto-config for LG wheels * provide update script * for firmware: official version hosted (as string) on the web * for software * provide config downloader
As a work-around, unplug any controller from the console, and perform the spoof. Then plug a controller to the console.