Matti Leppänen
Matti Leppänen
Following example is from Organization settings. If text style italic were applied here, the help texts would stand out better.  Same style should be applied to help texts all...
#### Last 7 days #### Within 7 day period there is data only in yesterday. The previous days are missing.  #### Last 28 days #### There are data only...
However, this is a matter of aggregating historical data from local MongoDB, so problem becomes obsolete, when Dashboard historical data is fetched from ES.
Same problem seems to exist when documentation is attached via URL. First time is unsuccessful, but second time succeeds.
Actually the operation fails, it just takes time before the error response appears. Misleading thing is, that the page remains active, so the user erroneously thinks the operation successful
At the moment there seems to be 4 proxies available on Staging. * API-umbrella new
Another matter is, that it seems, that every action (open API, open Organization, select APIs in main menu, select Organizations in main menu, select Add API in main menu) causes...
### Combining API card tabs Settings and Proxy My first choice is to combine tabs 'Settings' and 'Proxy' as one, perhaps 'Configure API'. It would be refactored such a way,...
In issue 3236 there are also comments related on combining Settings and Proxy tabs.
On the other hand, this may be too minor matter. Time will take care of IE (users).