Matti Leppänen
Matti Leppänen
It can be a tick box or a button. Main issue is, that user understands, what is done and what are consequences.
#### Current situation #### It seems, that the functionality of connecting an API to Proxy 42 needs to be completely separated from the functionality of connecting an API to apinfUmbrella....
#### Current monitoring ####  #### Proposal #### User has possibility to choose, which route is to be used in monitoring. 
It seems, that autorun in apinf_packages\dashboard\client\analytic\body\body.js is triggered, when url is changed. Thus causing the requests to be sent to ElasticSearch.
 Implementation with Bootstrap card. In narrow display the texts Request and Response are attached to first card, the text Redirects is attached to second card.
#### Messages #### Your app has been updated to Meteor from Meteor 1.5.2. Restart meteor to use the new release. 11:04:25.67 C:\Users\leppanen\apinf\platform_meteor_180\platform>meteor [[[[[ C:\Users\leppanen\apinf\platform_meteor_180\platform ]]]]] => Started proxy. Your...
#### Installed at first babel #### 11:09:13.77 C:\Users\leppanen\apinf\platform_meteor_180\platform>meteor npm install --save @babel/runtime npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version. npm WARN...
#### New attempt to start meteor #### 11:21:25.01 C:\Users\leppanen\apinf\platform_meteor_180\platform>meteor [[[[[ C:\Users\leppanen\apinf\platform_meteor_180\platform ]]]]] => Started proxy. Your development database is using mmapv1, the old, pre-MongoDB 3.0 database engine. You should consider...
#### check database engine #### meteor:PRIMARY> db.version() 3.2.15 meteor:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().storageEngine { "name" : "mmapv1", "supportsCommittedReads" : false, "persistent" : true } .meteor\packages [email protected]