Kencode suggested maybe having a sort of automated white list where only people you have sent funds to previously can create proposals for you. Accounts could choose to 'accept proposals...
Anything that increases liquidity gets the thumbs up from me - not familiar with uniswap so not 100% clear on how it works at first reading. Basically funds from multiple...
Thanks - sounds like it would be a good addition and a nice method for people to assist in providing liquidity without running dexbot. Have the team estimated the time...
Re: the discussion on base. I think we need to have a big focus on the tokenomics of bitshares moving forward so I think BTS should be at the centre...
I think this would be great but there probably needs to be some sort of 'accreditation'/check before a gateway is included - maybe the gateways should also have to report...
In our current condition this would just worsen the existing problem of too much power in too few hands (in my view). I think it would be fine but decaying...
GS protection completely undermines how the assets are meant to work. Disagree.
This is similar to bitBTC but maybe (/hopefully) with some HTLC or similar functionality that means BTC has to be committed in order for polkaBTC to be created (i.e. a...