Not mandatory, but highly recommended.
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
vbase |
Vue SFC |
<script lang="ts" setup>
vbase:full |
Vue SFC with style | postcss |
<script lang="ts" setup>
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
vbase:full:css |
Vue SFC with style | css |
<script lang="ts" setup>
<style lang="css" scoped>
vbase:full:scss |
Vue SFC with style | scss |
<script lang="ts" setup>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
vbase:full:less |
Vue SFC with style | less |
<script lang="ts" setup>
<style lang="less" scoped>
vscript |
Vue script setup | ts |
<script lang="ts" setup>
vscript:js |
Vue script setup | js |
<script setup>
vtemplate |
Vue template |
vstyle |
Vue scoped style | postcss |
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
vstyle:lang |
Vue style with language option |
<style lang="${1|css,postcss,...|}"${2|scoped,|}>
vstyle:css |
Vue scoped style | css |
<style lang="css" scoped>
vstyle:scss |
scoped style | scss |
<style lang="scss" scoped>
vstyle:less |
scoped style | less |
<style lang="less" scoped>
vstyle:module |
Vue style with CSS modules |
<style module$1>
vstyle:src |
Vue scoped style with src |
<style scoped src="$1">
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
slot |
slot |
template / vtemplate |
template |
component / vcomponent |
component |
nslot |
named slot |
<slot name="${1:default}">
ntemplate |
named template |
<template #${1:default}>
vcomponent |
Vue component |
<component :is="$1">$0</component>
vKeepAlive |
Vue KeepAlive |
<KeepAlive $1>
vTeleport |
Vue teleport |
<Teleport to="$1">
vTransition |
Vue Transition |
<Transition $1>
vTransition:name / nTransition |
Vue Transition with name |
<Transition name="$1" $2>
vTransition:type |
Vue Transition with type |
<Transition type="${1|transition,animation|}" $2>
vTransition:appear |
Vue Transition with appear |
<Transition appear $1>
vTransitionGroup |
Vue TransitionGroup |
<TransitionGroup name="$1" as="${2|ul,div,...|}" $3>
vSuspense |
Vue Suspense |
vSuspense:fallback |
Vue Suspense with fallback |
<template #fallback>
vtext |
v-text |
vhtml |
v-html |
vshow |
v-show |
vif / if |
v-if |
veif / elif |
v-else-if |
velse / else |
v-else |
vfor |
v-for |
v-for="${2:item} in ${1:items}" :key="$2$3"
vfori |
v-for (indexed) |
v-for="(${2:item}, ${3:i}) in ${1:items}" :key="${4:$3}"
vforr |
v-for range |
v-for="${1:n} in ${2:5}" :key="$1"
vemit / emit |
emit |
vemit:pass |
Vue pass emit |
@${1|click,input,...|}="\$emit('${2:$1}', \$event)"
von |
v-on |
von:event / voe |
event handler |
von:click / voc |
click handler |
von:input / voi |
input handler |
von:update |
update handler |
von:change |
change handler |
von:blur |
blur handler |
von:focus |
focus handler |
von:submit |
submit handler |
vbind |
v-bind |
vbind:attrs |
v-bind attrs |
vbind:props |
v-bind props |
vbind:full |
v-bind props and attrs |
v-bind="[\$props, \$attrs]"
vmodel |
v-model |
vmodel:number |
v-model.number |
vmodel:trim |
v-model.trim |
vmodel:custom |
custom v-model |
vslot |
scoped slot |
vpre |
v-pre |
vonce |
v-once |
vmemo |
v-memo |
vcloak |
v-cloak |
vkey |
Vue key |
vref |
Vue ref |
vname |
name property |
vis |
is property |
vb |
bind attribute |
va |
attribute |
vclass / vc |
Vue classes |
vclass:list / vca |
Vue classes list |
vclass:cond / vcc |
Vue conditional classes |
:class="{ $1: $2 }"
vstyle |
Vue inline style |
:style="{ $1: $2 }"
vstyle:list |
Vue inline style list |
vv |
Vue |
{{ $1 }}
vvt |
Vue i18n translation |
{{ t('$1') }}
vif:slot |
v-if slot defined |
vif:slot-prop |
v-if slot or prop defined |
v-if="\$slots.${1:label} || ${2:$1}"
vform |
form submit.prevent |
<form @submit${1:.prevent}="${2:onSubmit}">
vfor:template |
v-for in template |
<${1|template,div,...|} v-for="${3:item} in ${2:items}" :key="$3$4">
vfori:template |
v-for (indexed) in template |
<${1|template,div,...|} v-for="(${3:item}, ${4:i}) in ${2:items}" :key="${5:$4}">
vif:template |
v-if in template |
<${1|template,div,...|} v-if="$2">
vtif |
template with v-if |
<template v-if="$2">
vdif |
div with v-if |
<div v-if="$2">
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
vref / vr |
Vue ref |
const ${1:name} = ref($2)
vref:ts / vrt |
Vue ref (typed) |
const ${1:name} = ref<$2>($3)
vcomputed / vc |
Vue computed |
const ${1:name} = computed(() => $2)
vcomputed:ts / vct |
Vue computed (typed) |
const ${1:name} = computed<$2>(() => $3)
vcomputed:gs / vcgs |
Vue computed (get/set) |
const ${1:name} = computed({
get: () => ${2},
set: (${3:value}: ${4:string}) => {
vreactive / vra |
Vue reactive |
const ${1:name} = reactive({$2})
vreactive:ts |
Vue reactive (typed) |
const ${1:name}: ${2:type} = reactive({$3})
vshallowRef |
Vue shallowRef |
const ${1:name} = shallowRef($2)
vtoRef |
Vue toRef |
toRef(${1:props}, '$2')
vtoRefs |
Vue toRefs |
vunref |
Vue unref |
vreadonly |
Vue readonly |
vref:elem |
Vue element ref |
const ${1:elem} = ref<${2|HTMLInputElement,HTMLInputElement,...|} | null>(null)
vwatchEffect |
Vue watchEffect |
watchEffect(() => {
vwatch |
Vue watch source |
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatch:inline |
Vue watch inline |
watch(${1:source}, ${2:fn})
vwatch:getter |
Vue watch getter |
watch(() => ${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatch:multiple |
Vue watch multiple |
watch([${1:source1}, ${2:source2}], ([new${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, new${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}]) => {
vwatch:immediate |
Vue watch immediate |
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { immediate: true })
vwatch:deep |
Vue watch deep |
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { deep: true })
vwatch:log / vwl |
Vue watch source | log |
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
console.log('$1:', $2)
vprops |
Vue defineProps |
${1:const props = }defineProps<${2:Props}>()
vprops:defaults |
Vue defineProps with defaults |
${1:const props = }withDefaults(defineProps<${2:Props}>(), {
vprops:js |
Vue defineProps without TS |
${1:const props = }defineProps({
vemits |
Vue defineEmits |
${1:const emit = }defineEmits<{
${2:click}: [${3:payload}: ${4:string}],$5
vemits:alt |
Vue defineEmits without TS |
${1:const emit = }defineEmits(['$2'])
vemits:old |
Vue defineEmits (old syntax) |
${1:const emit = }defineEmits<{
(e: '${2:click}', ${3:payload}: ${4:string}): void,$5
vmodel |
Vue defineModel |
const ${1:modelValue} = defineModel<${2:string}>($3)
vemit |
Vue emit event |
vexpose |
Vue defineExpose |
v:onMounted |
Vue onMounted |
onMounted(() => {
v:onBeforeMount |
Vue onBeforeMount |
onBeforeMount(() => {
v:onUnmounted |
Vue onUnmounted |
onUnmounted(() => {
v:onBeforeUnmount |
Vue onBeforeUnmount |
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
v:onUpdated |
Vue onUpdated |
onUpdated(() => {
v:onBeforeUpdate |
Vue onBeforeUpdate |
onBeforeUpdate(() => {
v:onErrorCaptured |
Vue onErrorCaptured |
onErrorCaptured(() => {
v:onActivated |
Vue onActivated |
onActivated(() => {
v:onDeactivated |
Vue onDeactivated |
onDeactivated(() => {
vprovide |
Vue provide |
provide(${1:key}, ${2:value})
vprovide:ts |
Vue provide (typed) |
provide<${1:string}>(${2:key}, ${3:value})
vinject |
Vue inject |
const ${1:value} = inject(${2:key})
vinject:ts |
Vue inject (typed) |
const ${1:value} = inject<${2:string}>(${3:key})
vinject:default |
Vue inject with default |
const ${1:value} = inject(${2:key}, ${3:defaultValue})
vinjectkey |
Vue injection key |
const ${1:key} = Symbol('$2') as InjectionKey<${3:string}>
vslots |
Vue useSlots |
const slots = useSlots()
vattrs |
Vue useAttrs |
const attrs = useAttrs()
vimport / vim |
Import from vue |
import { $1 } from 'vue'
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
vcomposable / vdc |
Vue define composable |
export const use${1/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/} = () => {
return {
vcomposable:file / vdcf |
Vue define composable in file |
export const use${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/} = () => {
return {
vuse / vu |
Use composable |
const ${2:$1} = use${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}($3)
vused / vud |
Use composable with destructuring |
const { $2 } = use${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}($3)
vmodel:manual |
Implement v-model manually |
const props = defineProps<{
${1:modelValue}: ${2:string}
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'update:$1', ${3:value}?: $2): void
const ${4:value} = computed({
get: () => props.$1,
set: (val: $2) => emit('update:$1', val),
v:has-slot |
Vue check for slots |
const slots = useSlots()
const hasSlot = (name: string) => !!slots[name]
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
nfetch |
Nuxt useFetch |
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch('$2'$3)
nfetch:cb |
Nuxt useFetch with callback |
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch(() => '$2'$3)
nfetch:lazy |
Nuxt useLazyFetch |
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyFetch('$2'$3)
nfetch:lazy:cb |
Nuxt useLazyFetch callback |
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyFetch(() => '$2'$3)
nfetch:post |
Nuxt useFetch POST |
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch('$2', {
method: 'POST',
body: ${3:body},$4
nasyncdata |
Nuxt useAsyncData |
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useAsyncData('${2:key}', () => $fetch('$3')$4)
nasyncdata:lazy |
Nuxt useLazyAsyncData |
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyAsyncData('${2:key}', () => $fetch('$3')$4)
napp |
Nuxt useNuxtApp |
const app = useNuxtApp()
nappConfig |
Nuxt useAppConfig |
const appConfig = useAppConfig()
nruntimeConfig |
Nuxt useRuntimeConfig |
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
ncookie |
Nuxt useCookie |
const ${1:cookie} = useCookie('${2:$1}'$3)
ncookie:opts |
Nuxt useCookie with options |
const ${1:cookie} = useCookie('${2:$1}', { $3 })
ndata |
Nuxt useNuxtData |
const { data: ${2:$1} } = useNuxtData('${1:key}')
nerror |
Nuxt useError |
const ${1:error} = useError()
nstate |
Nuxt useState |
const ${1:state} = useState('${2:$1}'$3)
nstate:init |
Nuxt useState (init) |
const ${1:state} = useState('${2:$1}', () => $3)
nhead |
Nuxt useHead |
nhead:title |
Nuxt useHead title |
title: $1,$0
npageMeta |
Nuxt definePageMeta |
npageMeta:title |
Nuxt definePageMeta title |
title: '$1',$0
npageMeta:layout |
Nuxt definePageMeta layout |
layout: '$1',$0
npageMeta:middleware |
Nuxt definePageMeta middleware |
middleware: ['$1'$2],$0
nto |
Nuxt navigateTo |
nto:obj |
Nuxt navigateTo object |
navigateTo({ $1 }$2)
nto:replace |
Nuxt navigateTo replace |
navigateTo('$1', { replace: true })
nto:external |
Nuxt navigateTo external |
navigateTo('$1', { external: true })
nto:redirect |
Nuxt navigateTo redirect |
navigateTo('$1', { redirectCode: ${2|301,302,...|} })
nto:name |
Nuxt navigateTo name |
name: '$1',$0
nto:path |
Nuxt navigateTo path |
path: '$1',$0
nplugin |
Nuxt plugin |
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nplugin:vue |
Nuxt plugin use vue package |
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nmiddleware:route |
Nuxt route middleware |
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
nmiddleware:server |
Nuxt server middleware |
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
napi |
Nuxt api route |
export default defineEventHandler(${1:async }(event) => {
return {
nplugin:server |
Nuxt server plugin |
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
nreadBody |
Nuxt readBody |
const ${1:body} = await readBody(event)
ngetQuery |
Nuxt getQuery |
const { $1 } = getQuery(event)
ngetCookie |
Nuxt getCookie |
getCookie(event, '${1:cookie}')
nsetCookie |
Nuxt setCookie |
setCookie(event, '${1:cookie}', ${2:value})
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
nlink |
NuxtLink |
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2">$3</NuxtLink>
nlink:blank |
NuxtLink with target _blank |
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2" target="_blank" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nlink:external |
NuxtLink with target external |
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2" external target="${3|_blank,_self|}" $4>$5</NuxtLink>
nlink:param |
NuxtLink with param |
<NuxtLink :to="`$1${${2:id}}$3`" $4>$5</NuxtLink>
nlink:obj |
NuxtLink with object |
<NuxtLink :to="{ $1 }" $2>$3</NuxtLink>
nlink:name |
NuxtLink with name |
<NuxtLink :to="{ name: '$1'$2 }" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nlink:path |
NuxtLink with path |
<NuxtLink :to="{ path: '$1'$2 }" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nloading |
NuxtLoadingIndicator |
<NuxtLoadingIndicator $1/>
nlayout |
NuxtLayout |
<NuxtLayout $1>$2</NuxtLayout>
nlayout:name |
NuxtLayout with name |
<NuxtLayout ${2|name,:name|}="$3">$4</NuxtLayout>
npage |
NuxtPage |
<NuxtPage $1/>
npage:static |
NuxtPage with static key |
<NuxtPage page-key="static" $1/>
nclient |
ClientOnly |
<ClientOnly $1>$2</ClientOnly>
nclient:fallbacks |
ClientOnly with fallback props |
<ClientOnly fallback-tag="${1:span}" fallback="${2:Loading...}">$3</ClientOnly>
nclient:fallback |
ClientOnly with fallback template |
<template #fallback>
nTeleport |
Nuxt Teleport |
<Teleport to="$1">
Prefix |
Name |
Body |
vRefAutoReset |
VueUse refAutoReset |
const ${1:name} = refAutoReset('$2', ${3:1000})
vwatchArray |
VueUse watchArray |
watchArray(${1:list}, (new${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, old${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, ${4:added}, ${5:removed}) => {
vwatchAtMost |
VueUse watchAtMost |
watchAtMost(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { max: ${3:3} })
vwatchDebounced |
VueUse watchDebounced |
watchDebounced(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { debounce: ${3:500}, maxWait: ${4:1000} })
vwatchIgnorable |
VueUse watchIgnorable |
const { stop:$3, ignoreUpdates:$4 } = = watchIgnorable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchOnce |
VueUse watchOnce |
watchOnce(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchImmediate |
VueUse watchImmediate |
vwatchImmediate(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchPausable |
VueUse watchPausable |
const { stop$3, pause$4, resume$5 } = watchPausable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchThrottled |
VueUse watchThrottled |
watchThrottled(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { throttle: ${3:500} })
vwatchTriggerable |
VueUse watchTriggerable |
const { trigger$3, ignoreUpdates$4 } = watchTriggerable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchWithFilter |
VueUse watchWithFilter |
watchWithFilter(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { eventFilter: $3 })
vwhenever |
VueUse whenever |
whenever(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vuse:vmodel |
Implement v-model using useVModel |
const ${2:value} = useVModel(props, '${1:modelValue}', emit)
vuse:vmodels |
Implement v-model using useVModels |
const { ${1:modelValue}$2 } = useVModels(props, emit)
vuse:hover |
VueUse useElementHover |
const ${1:elem} = ref<${2|HTMLInputElement,HTMLDivElement,...|} | null>(null)
const ${3:isHovered} = useElementHover($1)
vuse:fetch / vuf |
VueUse useFetch |
const { data: ${1:data} } = useFetch('$2'$3)
vget |
VueUse get |
vset |
VueUse set |
set($1, $2)
vdef |
VueUse isDefined |
vuse:toggle / vut |
VueUse useToggle |
const [${1:value}, ${2:toggle}] = useToggle()
vuse:toggle:fn / vutt |
VueUse useToggle function |
const toggle${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/} = useToggle($1)
vuse:import / vuim |
Import from vueuse |
import { $1 } from '@vueuse/core'