Mati Gummá
Mati Gummá
what if you use delay....
Hello ssamjh! i had test this recently and works perfect: ffmpeg -y -rtsp_transport tcp -i inputVideo -i /tmp/hls/Logo.png \ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=15:15" -c:v libx264 -an -f flv outputVideoWithLogo i take...
im working with agents and like this proyect have the hability to create environoments like that you know autogen approach
> ok, here is an other approach: > > we can use the _renderTemplate hook quiet easily. > > ``` > var expressHbs = require('express-handlebars'); > > var hbs =...
i found this
i just want the same and maybe can we use as llama api..
i made my own test here:
ty @jakvb i made my own test here:
> ty @jakvb i made my own test here: forget to set dimension = 2048 for llama 7B from npx dalai install...