
Results 26 issues of matiascabello

Ink reference:

detector implementation

If the program includes something that resembles a token, suggest implementing the token interface trait.

**unsafe-unwrap** The hint/help message should be conditional: If the function returns `Result`, suggest using `ok_or`, if it does not return a `Result`, keep it as it is. **unsafe-expect** The detection...

Users should be able to generate multiple report formats in a single Scout execution. For example: The command `cargo scout-audit --output-format md,json`should generate both markdown and json reports. Keep the...

When a user requests the generation of the report in a specific format (pdf, md, json, etc.), show a message indicating that the process was completed successfully and the path...

Every report should include a summary including: - Package: name of the package on which Scout was executed. - Status: status of the execution ("Analyzed" || "Compilation errors") - Detections:...

Considering that the token interface is implemented as a trait, check that all token interface functions events are properly emitted.