Hello. First, thanks alot for your effort to keep this project alive! :+1: I tried to your codebase on the provided URL to fix a scuttle installation (update an existing...
Hi @mkulesh I'm using your app and had the same issue with the VPN access. I tracked it down to the problem that my VPN clients are located in a...
Hi @mkulesh Looks good to me. It would be great if someone else with a different Onkyo model could double check it technically on a different setup. Thanks for the...
I ran into the same issues, it seems that the feature is still missing in the latest 1.9.9 version, but I was not in the mood to recreate all my...
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe den Thread hier und viele andere Quellen sorgfältig durchgelesen. Trotzdem bin ich noch zu keiner Lösung gekommen. Ich habe folgendes Problem an einer Gasheizung mit Vitotronic...
Hi After long debugging sessions and tests direct with the libnodave I found the following working (only with Python 3, python 2.7 is always seg-faulting) solution: -- snipp -- import...