Mathias Brandewinder
Mathias Brandewinder
Add unit test for commit 714f38a
It might be useful to have a simple compact tree, but also the option to produce a full tree, ex: adding every single outcome with their probability in each branch.
The current Pretty Tree sometimes keeps searching and rendering branches, although every single Leaf (for instance) has the same default outcome [see for instance the Tree obtained on Titanic with...
Current Pretty Tree simply produces the branch and the most likely outcome. It would be nice to add the probability of the branch and/or outcome, too, ex: - Male (0.430)...
The project has been setup to be VSCode friendly, and as a result it appears that usage from Visual Studio is not straightforward.
MinibatchSource.GetNextMinibatch: in the fully expanded signature, what is MinibatchSizeInSequences?
1. What is the return `bool` supposed to indicate? 2. in , what is the `bool isSweepEndInarguments` and how is it supposed to be used?
`CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble` takes 2 parameters, a learning rate and a minibatch size. `MinibatchSource.GetNextMinibatch` also takes a minibatch size, which I assume is the actual size of the minibatch being read. What's...
Assigning a name to a `Variable` or `Function` is done when it is constructed. `Function` exposes a `SetName` method, but it seems to cause problems when the function is saved...