Takeshi Yoneda

Results 88 comments of Takeshi Yoneda

ps I would like to put this limitation only on SIMD instructions, so I will identity where SSE4.1 features are used in non-SIMD instructions (one place I can think of...

luckily we have function validation already implemented in Go https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/blob/main/internal/wasm/func_validation.go so the impl would look like similar to the validation code so that the generated opcode should pass the validation...

superseded by https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero-fuzz -- revive this issue once we prioritize the pure-Go fuzzing infra in wazero. Closing for now!

https://github.com/prep/wasmexec this lib closes this issue maybe?

let me take this as a part of #305

Thanks @tonyhb, this is a reasonable feature request because some of the other runtimes can actually clone stores (or module instances) for example wasmtime: https://docs.wasmtime.dev/api/wasmtime/struct.Module.html#modules-and-clone Currently it's not possible to...

> Also, I haven't looked into JIT as... well, I'm on debian arm 😬 ps arm64 would be our next target in JIT so stay tuned! 😄

DWARF in Wasm is added in [tool-conventions](https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions) which says: > These conventions are not part of the WebAssembly standard, and are not required of WebAssembly-consuming implementations to execute WebAssembly code....

Oh that's cool! Thank you for the info! @justinclift