
Results 4 issues of mateusz-lubanski-sinch

### What happened? After importing existing RDS Instance into crossplane - can't change password for RDS master user via `masterPasswordSecretRef` (very similar functionality is working fine in provider-sql:[email protected]#spec-forProvider-passwordSecretRef) -...


### What problem are you facing? On [AWS Provider]([email protected]) we can find that connection secrets are exposed by two ways: - `writeConnectionSecretToRef` - documentation says that this field is planned...


### Error message: Throttling logs for `kustomize-controller`: ``` kubectl logs -n flux-system -f deployments/kustomize-controller | grep 'Waited for' I1107 10:10:55.887548 7 request.go:682] Waited for 1.044697004s due to client-side throttling, not...

On `provider-aws` we are able to use `publishConnectionDetailsTo` instead of `writeConnectionSecretToRef` Could we also implement that functionality on `provider-gitlab`. (documentation states that: `writeConnectionSecretToRef field is planned to be replaced in...
