Mateus Pires

Results 9 comments of Mateus Pires

The selection state is updated counting the accented character, although that character doesn't exist in the content state. Therefore, the selection state is invalid. This is causing problems to apply...

> So, I implemented realtime collaboration using ShareDB over the summer. [Here's]( a description of the setup if anyone is interested. Thanks, @droegier! Your article gave me some hope on...

I'm facing this issue. Agree with @albert-schilling. There is no point in testing being run before preparation (`beforeAll` and `beforeEach`) is complete.

Same here. Some users got undefined for some reason and it is causing crashes now. I was trying to find a way to handle the error using the library itself...

Since there is a bug in v2.4.10, I moved the changes to v2.4.9.

@assentorp's solution worked for me: I removed the `@storybook/preset-scss` addon from `main.js`. I'm using Storybook v7.

In my use case, the reason for that is the key being dynamically generated. For that to work, the `createPersistedState` must be inside the React code. ```js function useMyHook({ id...

I could make the focus work by using [Range]( and [Selection](, based on [this solution]( ```js const editorEl = ReactEditor.toDOMNode(editor, editor) const domRange = ReactEditor.toDOMRange(editor, editor.selection) const domSelection = window.getSelection()...

Is that focus behavior above expected on the `ReactEditor.focus` method? I mean, should it move the caret to the current selection or to the beginning of the editor? I believe...