Matt Waltz

Results 64 comments of Matt Waltz

Personally I feel people use double when often they really just mean float. I don't really see too much of an issue by just implementing it as a float; as...

I can't reproduce this in CEmu

Why can't you just tell me *exactly* what you did. Provide me a link to any files you used.

It does back up all programs. Please stop commenting on random GitHub issues you are clueless about.

Do not comment on GitHub issues when you have nothing to offer. All programs are stored with a VAT which is in RAM. Hence backing up RAM saves all programs...

It could do it automatically, but generally hidden programs are to be avoided, so Cesium likes to make it difficult to do. This is because hidden programs may cause issues...

Sure, whatever you think is best

No it's a horrible idea. You can already do this from the OS in the link application.

It's actually not that bad -- but maybe you could make returning from a usb program reload itself?