Thanks, would be very helpful! If you are already looking into it, there is another bug. Only the first 42 logs work correctly, starting from log 43 something overflows and...
Adding the protocols back...
There might be some unused code for telemetry handling (the telemetry is not working at this point), but not sure how much we can save there. But I am planning...
I am experiencing the same issue...
Just tested my Life A2 NC with the latest firmware. The current windows binaries seem to work (Win 11) - connecting to the earbuds works, the battery level is shown...
As @OpenUAS says, we are using it on the Flapper drones (powered by the Crazyflie Bolt board), that we produce. There are many more Crazyflies out there, people just weren't...
@pascallanger Thanks for the compliments :) @OpenUAS has access to both a Crazyflie and one of our Flappers for testing. Would that do for now? We might be able to...